Season Pass+ Royalties
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At the end of every season, players who hold a Season Pass Plus are eligible for an end of season royalties: a share of 5% of the season revenue is shared between all pass holders who meet the requirement.
In order to qualify players would need to meet the following requirements:
1. You must have at least 1 Safe
2. You must have have at least 3 different characters in a location or a combination of all.
WARNING: Ghost does not qualify for royalties
Royalties eligibility scenarios:
1x Safe + 1x Riley + 1x Turan + 1x Minoto - Eligible for royalties
1x Safe + 1x Riley + 1x Bugz + 1x Professor K - Eligible for royalties
1x Safe + 1x Riley + 1x Turan + 1x Professor K - Eligible for royalties
1x Safe + 2x Riley + 1x Bugz - Not eligible for royalties
1x Safe + 2x Riley + 1x Turan - Not eligible for royalties
1x Safe + 3x Riley - Not eligible for royalties
Last updated