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◀ Go Back In the event that no data is being fetched or displayed correctly on the website. Change the endpoint!! You can change the endpoint by clicking the gear cog on the top right a dropdown menu will then appear showing all available endpoints. Choose an endpoint closer to your geographical location and then refresh the page so the changes can be applied.
◀ Go Back To login into the app, click the human icon on the top right corner. A menu will appear showing all supported wallets. choose your preferred wallet to continue.
After successfully logging in with your WAX wallet for the first, the navigation bar on the website should now display additional menus and you will be given the option to register. ⚠ Registration are mandatory as this is the only way to be credited 1K WORK and 5 $HCC
To Equip your NFTs go to Stash, check mark all the nfts you want to equip and click the equip button.
To add a character simply select a hustle location in the main menu. Got to the character area located on the left side of the page and click the + sign. Your NFT ingame inventory should pop up revealing the nfts associated with that collection. Check mark the NFT from the inventory and click the + sign to add the character ℹ The process to add characters is the same for every location
In consignment players are required to carry out the action start hustling in order for their character to begin generating Dirty cash. To do this locate the start hustling button found in the centre of the page. Make sure you have enough WORK!
Characters in the corner, the traphouse or lab location begin hustling automatically as soon as they are added to the location.
When the hustling countdown reaches 0 a new button will appear on the screen called "Collect Reward". Click it and an rng event will be triggered determining the outcome of your claim.
⚠ Boosts must be activated before collecting reward for it to take effect In Consignment you are required to collect reward every hour unless you have Chrono Capo boost active. Hustling Work Consumption: In order to collect rewards you will need to have enough WORK to cover the WORK Consumption Cost occurred whilst hustling.
Jail Work Refund: WORK token previously deducted as a guarantee when start hustling, is returned to player if they are not sent to jail during the collection.
In order to collect rewards you will need to have enough WORK to cover the WORK Consumption Cost occurred whilst hustling.
You can exchange Dirty Cash for Work Tokens Within the Re-Up menu In any of the hustling pages, locate the Re-Up button and interact with it.
In order to upgrade your character you must interact with your NFT.
⚠ You cannot upgrade whilst hustling (mining)
After upgrading a character, they go into a cool down. During this period characters do not generate Dirty Cash. In order the skip the upgrade timer you need to spend some resources.
Boosts must be activated before collecting reward for it to take effect
⚠Boosts have cooldowns, you can only add the same type of boost once the cooldown is completed.
⚠You cannot stack the same boost.
If you find yourself in jail while playing the game, don't worry! There are several ways to get out and continue hustling. You can simply wait for your entire jail sentence to be served and a new button Get Out Of Jail will appear once your jail sentence has been completed. Jail Work Consumption: In the unfortunate event that your character is currently serving time in jail, your WORK deducted as jail work consumption be consumed while collecting rewards. The deducted amount is based on the total time spent in jail .
Whenever you go to jail a Pay Bail button, which replaces the usual Collect Reward button will appear. By paying the bail fee, the balance will be deducted from your in-game currency, and the jail sentence timer will be removed. This allows you to exit jail immediately.
You can also get out of jail by utilising a Get Out Of Jail Pass. Whenever you are in jail a plus sign will appear under locked up in the crew members area.
If you want to expand your boost capacity in the game, you can easily do so by clicking the add slot button boost slots located in any of the hustling locations.
In the game, players have the ability to withdraw tokens, specifically Clean Cash and Hustlers Tokens.
Withdrawals can be accessed via the Post office and selecting transfers.
Hustlers Token: you can withdraw a minimum of 60 tokens per withdrawal, five times per day.
Clean Cash: you can withdraw a minimum of 15 tokens per withdrawal in Season One and 100 token from Season two and beyond.
The laundering system is the only way to earn clean cash. By participating in laundering, players can stake their dirty cash and receive rewards over time. However, players should be aware that there is a 5% fee for early unstaking.
Staking Your Dirty Cash
Once you have staked your dirty cash, the laundering system will start generating rewards for you. Every 24 hours, you will receive a reward equivalent to 0.8% of your current staked dirty cash. The longer you go without collecting the rewards, the more you will earn when laundering.
Unstake Your Dirty Cash:
Unstaking your dirty cash before it could get laundered will result on the loss of any current laundering progress.
In the game, the only way to withdraw Dirty Cash is by attempting a drop. It's important to note that drops are RNG-driven, and there are three possible events that can occur, including losing all of the Dirty Cash you attempted the drop with.
The safest way to withdraw Dirty Cash is by using an immunity pass. Immunity pass allows you to make 1 drops of up to 1000 Dirty Cash, without it being intercepted.
In the game, players have the option to deposit tokens, including Clean Cash, Hustlers Tokens, and Dirty Cash, into their in-game account. Deposits can be accessed by going to the Post office menu and selecting transfers.
Once you have reached G Rank Level 25 in the game, you will get access to the exchange and able to exchange Clean Cash for Hustlers Tokens.
⚠The exchange option is not always available and closes every 3 days for a duration of 3 days.
⚠You can only exchange once per day and a maximum of 20 hustlers token.
As long as your character is not is the middle of an upgrade cooldown or serving a jail sentence, you can unstake it from a location and then unequip from the game into your wallet. Ghost cannot be unstaked during hustling cooldown