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Follow these steps to unstake and unequip your character from the game:

Unstake Your Character

  1. Check Upgrade Cooldown or Jail Sentence: Ensure your character is not in the middle of an upgrade cooldown or serving a jail sentence. Characters under these conditions cannot be unstaked.

  2. Access the Location or Property: Go to the location or property from which you want to remove your character.

  3. Select the Character:

    • Click on the character you want to unstake. A pop-up menu with several options will appear.

    • Choose "Unstake" to unstake the selected character, or select "Unstake All" to remove all characters from that location or property.

  4. Confirm Success: If the unstake is successful, the character(s) will no longer be visible in the location or property.

Unequip Your Character

  1. Open the Stash Menu: After unstaking, go to the stash menu in the game interface.

  2. Navigate to Unequip: Locate and click the "Go to Unequip" button.

  3. Select NFTs to Unequip:

    • Checkmark the NFTs (characters) you want to unequip from the game.

    • Click "Unequip" to finalize the process.

Your character will now be removed from the game and transferred to your wallet

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