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In the corner, trap house, and lab, characters begin to generate $HDC as soon as they are added. To start hustling in Consignment mode and begin generating Dirty Cash, follow these steps:

First, ensure you have added a character to a consignment location. If you haven't done this yet, follow the steps to add a character.

  1. Locate the Start Hustling Button: Find the "Start Hustling" button located in the centre of the page.

  2. Check WORK Balance: Make sure you have at least 500 WORK to cover the mining and jail work consumption. The jail work will be refunded if the character is not jailed.

  3. Start Hustling: Click the "Start Hustling" button. Make sure you have enough WORK to initiate the process.

  4. Countdown Timer: After clicking "Start Hustling," a 1-hour countdown timer will appear, marking the time when the mining will stop and $HDC can be collected.

  5. Extend Mining Time: You can extend the 1-hour timer to 4 hours by utilizing a Chrono Capo Boost. The boost must be added before you start the hustling action.

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