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Boosts Activation: Boosts must be activated before collecting reward for them to take effect.

A. How to collect in Consignment

  1. Wait for the Countdown: After starting hustling, wait for the countdown timer to reach 0.

  2. Click "Collect Reward": When the hustling countdown reaches 0, a new button called "Collect Reward" will appear on the screen. Click it to proceed.

  3. Trigger RNG Event: Clicking "Collect Reward" will trigger an RNG event determining an outcome.

  4. Jail Work Refund: The WORK tokens previously deducted as a guarantee when starting hustling are returned to the player if they are not sent to jail during the collection process

B. How to collect in The Corner , Trap house & Lab In the corner, trap house, or lab, you can collect the reward freely as there is no timer.

  1. Check WORK Balance: Make sure you have enough WORK to cover the costs. This is shown in the location under "WORK required to collect."

  2. Click "Collect Reward": Locate and click the "Collect Reward" button.

  3. Trigger RNG Event: Clicking "Collect Reward" will trigger an RNG event determining the outcome of your claim.

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